This is Blue Cookies Strain Review is aimed at giving you more insights into one of the sought medical marijuana strains in the world. The Cannabis strain named Blue Cookies is the dominant Indica-hybrid which is crossed between two popular strains, first one is Girl Scout Cookies and the second one is Blueberry.
Being the child of these two considerable strains, Blue cookies have many effective characteristics like when a person intake them, the strain straightly affects the brain and gives a state of euphoria, yet it quickly relaxes the whole body.
According to the researchers in Washington, blue cookies strain review has suggested that these strains offer the person the next level of flavors and relax the person by focusing on the body of the person.
Blue cookie’s name was derived after its appearance, aroma, and flavor. When its buds are ready for harvesting a bluish and purple tint is seen between its frosty crystals layers. Its scent is amazing as it is flavored as sweet berries or sometimes as cherries although it is then mixed in bakery products.
The average quantity is above 26% which is the normal percentage for consumption of THC in people. Taking its high dose might create an immediate head high or sometimes cause the consumer to feel uplifted and dizzy.
After taking this drug body muscles of the person highly get relaxed, which induces the person’s sleepiness. For the first-timers, it is better recommended to intake it in the evenings or at night.
For novice consumers, they should have Blue Cookies Strain info and it is suggested that they should also beware of using the strain very often as also have negative aspects like anxiousness and paranoia if used incorrectly.
Blue Cookies Strain Info

It is an Indica dominant is type.
Its genetics consist of 90% of Indica and about 10% Sativa.
The blue cookies are crossed and produced by girl-scout cookies and blueberry.
THC Level:
The THC level of blue cookies is about 20% to 25%.
CBD Level:
Its CBD is very low approximately 1%.
Its fragrance is like sweets and candies.
It is flavored as a berry with earth notes, cherries, and Grapes.
It can be cultivated in both ways indoor as well as outdoor.
Its growth difficulty is moderate in terms of harvest and growth.
Its normal flowering time is about 56 to 63 days.
Climate needed:
Climate needs to produce it is mild.
Consumption time or in taking period in the day is evening or night.
Blue Cookie Strain

Its appearance is boasting vibrant and hued in blue or purple colour.
Positive effects: The following data provides Blue cookie strain info;
- 74% of people feel relax after strain intake.
- 61% of people are reported to feel happy.
- 57% of a person’s in taking it to feel euphoria.
- 40% of people are reported to be uplifted while taking this strain.
- 28% of people feel sleepy while taking this.
- 34% of people feels that strain helps to cure stress.
- 28% of people are treated with anxiety in this strain.
- 27% of people experienced less depression with this strains help.
- 23% of people felt relieved from pain.
- 20% of persons felt treated from insomnia by this strain.
Negative effects: The following data provides Blue cookies strain info;
- 21% of people feel a dry mouth.
- 11% of people are reported to suffer from dry eyes.
- 3% of people feel dizzy.
- 2% feel paranoid by taking this strain.
- 1% of anxiousness is reported in people
Medical Uses:
Medically Blue Cookies Strain review suggest that, this strain is highly used to treat smokers that help them to deal with depression, headaches, insomnia, migraines, chronic pains, and gastrointestinal disorder.
This strain highly induces relaxation, perfect for soothing sleep routines of patients with insomnia. It highly works for people of having chronic pain and other pains such as muscle cramps and body pains.
The most effective thing about the strain is that it lasts longer, and can reduce pain for a long time.
Growing Blue Cookies Strain:
The manufactures that grow strains reproduce some authentic seeds for this flower, and then it grows into a healthy mature plant.
The Blue Cookies Strain are grown in both ways indoors or out, although it is easier to grow this plant when the plant is grown indoors while growing it indoor yields it better visit us for growing guides and orders on any cannabis strain quantity anytime..